Let's start up with the oh-so popular, paint your stomach ideas. There aren't many of these as I really hate the idea of running around in October with my belly exposed.
I'm starting off with Humpty Dumpty, because I feel like Humpty Dumpty. Although I wouldn't go this route. I'd go with a pair of jaunty pants picked up at the goodwill in a women's size large enough to fit around your bulging belly.
One of your husbands or boyfriend's white undershirts.
A man's vest also picked up at the Goodwill,
And a bow tie.
Oh, and a pair of suspenders!
This would be a great way of not having to paint your stomach and still get the point across of what you are.
OK so now let's get to some real, paint your belly costumes- there are only 2 and only because they are too awesome to not show.
Seriously, how cool is that? Just wear black pants and a black top and maybe top it with a bow tie or some sort of Jack Skellington flair and you have a great last minute costume.
The next one, is pretty awesome, I love it.
You might have to know someone pretty artistic to rock the Krang face belly but it's so worth it right?
OK so this next one could be a paint your belly look if you want. But I'd probably just go with a simple over-sized red shirt DIY with some fabric paint.
How cute would it be to get a large red shirt, paint Thing 1 on your chest and Thing 2 on your belly, top it with a blue wig and you've got a fast and cute Halloween costume.
For my Rockabilly gals out there, this is an awesome picture my boyfriend sent me a few months ago that he said reminded him totally of me and I think it could be a great Halloween costume.
So now let's go to a couple cop out costumes if you're in a real rush. This one you've probably thought of, (and no I'm not a Twilight fan) but the idea is so funny to me I have to share it,
It's probably too easy, throw on your favorite maternity PJ's and a hoodie (because Bella never goes anywhere without hers) and pop in some fangs and you are set.
but before Bella there was Cordelia
Cordelia may not have been a vampire but she got knocked up a lot by demons. First season she gets in the sack with her blind date and wakes up carrying his demon babies. She later meets up with a group of other knocked up ladies who all jump in a giant bath together to give birth.

Luckily Angel saves the day and the demon babies magically disappear. It was way cooler in the show though then it sounds.
The next time Cordelia gets knocked up, it's less of a happy ending for her. She becomes possessed by the little demon living inside her who later takes up all her energy leaving Cordelia in a coma she doesn't come out of and nearly takes over the world.
Rosemary's baby is really a classic horror film. So it must be mentioned.
Run to your nearest Goodwill, pick up a moo moo and a prop butcher knife and you are Rosemary on a rampage.
Now I'm going to mention a few pregnant femme fateles.
Alex from Fatal Attraction is a great example of pregnancy hormones going wrong. And let's face it, what pregnant woman hasn't thought about coming at her significant other with a knife?
Of course if you're feeling humble you could go as Hester Prynne from The Scarlet Letter. It's a bit of a sick joke, but you can dress sexy and stick a red felt A on your top and be good. Or modernize the look by drawing a red "tattoo" A wherever your imagination takes you.
If you feel like going the sweeter route you could dress up as a couple of those Princess' who weren't so well behaved in their stories. For example, Rapunzel, willingly was knocked up by her prince. Probably the real reason the witch cast her out of the house and blinded the prince, and who could blame her? What parent spends years raising a child and trying to protect her from the world only to have that child ungratefully turn around and open her legs to the first guy who comes her way.
Maybe Rapunzel wasn't that sweet, but no one can blame Sleeping Beauty for getting knocked up. She was asleep when a married man came jaunting into her room and took advantage of her. 9 months later she's still unconscious and giving birth to twins! Imagine how that one worked out. But that turned out to be her saving grace because it was her twins sucking the splinter out of her finger that finally allowed her to wake up.
Well whatever you go as, there are sure to be a lot of "aws" and people rubbing your Buddha belly without restraint. Either way, I hope you have a safe and happy Halloween this year! And hopefully your little bundle doesn't decide to come out and join the fun.
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